Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Am SO Tired

Apparently, I overestimated my times today and ended up at work at 7:45 instead of 8. I guess tomorrow I can take things a little slower or maybe today was a very good, fast morning.

I woke up at 6:15 and began nursing Ellie at 6:45. Just like the night before she got up at 4:30 and fell fast asleep at 4:50 allowing me to sleep a little over an hour and I appreciated it! It wasn't hard for me to fall asleep since I had trouble going to bed last night (up until 11 when I went to bed at 10).

When I arrived at daycare, my heart dropped when I saw a bottle of breast milk on the side and it had leaked. I know the whole saying, "don't cry over spilled milk" but I had worked tirelessly to pump enough for daycare so I was disappointed and glad that I had brought an extra bottle of breast milk than I thought she may need.

On my way to work I shed some tears but once I got there everything felt weird. I had so much to do that I didn't know where to begin. So I just focused on what was most important which were trying to get a hold of students doing poorly in classes.

I was able to pump three times and got a total of 9 ounces. I was happy thinking that Ellie probably on took in 8 ounces since she only took in 4 during her half day yesterday. However, when I got there I looked at the sheet and she took in 10 ounces! Yikes! She also didn't nap very well so she was clearly tired when we got home.

Another mother at the daycare was very supportive and told me that her son did not nap a wink during the first two weeks of daycare but had begun napping recently. So I took comfort in her words of encouragement. It doesn't make it easy when I got her and she started to fuss right away.

When we got home, she did not sleep for very long and was up while I was making dinner and waiting for Eric to get home. Once we finished dinner, Eric picked Ellie up in her bouncer and started smiling and laughing and guess what!? She began to laugh back and giggle. She did it for me once before but never again but she did it over and over again. Her laugh melted our hearts and we kept encouraging for more. Finally she stopped but Eric and I kept talking about it over and over tonight.

I'm so tired right now and in the back of my mind I'm not sure how I can do a full work week of such a busy schedule.

Dad and Ellie cuddle time


Beth said...

Way to go, Mama! You will find your groove, but is it not impossible to juggle returning to work at first!? It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it, but you seem like a pro. And just think, someday you will sleep through the night again! Great news that Ellie is laughing. I think I cried the first time my son did that! Take care!

Beth said...
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Beth said...

Way to go, Mama! You will find your groove, but is it not impossible to juggle returning to work at first!? It took me a few weeks to get the hang of it, but you seem like a pro. And just think, someday you will sleep through the night again! Great news that Ellie is laughing. I think I cried the first time my son did that! Take care!