Monday, February 28, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

I realized that Ellie started a cough on Saturday. I should have known something was up when she took a three hour nap and we decided to wake her up so that she would be able to sleep that night. She was not happy. After an afternoon of errands and going to visit her great grandma (who has a broken arm) she was tired. It was a rough night because she woke up every four hours coughing and she wasn't nursing well.

Sunday had been planned for weeks. My mom turns 50 on 2/28/11 and she was up in the air on what she wanted to do for her birthday. So finally she decided Dim Sum Sunday morning and then a Karaoke party Sunday night. So we dragged Ellie to Dim Sum on Sunday and then we also took her to the Karaoke party, since my mom didn't say anything about bringing a baby to the party we took her.

Once we arrived the other Asians found it unacceptable that the baby was there. They said that the loud music was going to affect her heart and that she shouldn't be there. My mom heard it but didn't say anything so I went to the car to try to nurse her and then sent Eric to take her home while I stayed behind. At around 9 it was time for me to go back home to nurse her and put her to bed. Little did I know that my departure meant that everyone else was leaving and the party ended. I felt bad for my mom but a four hour party isn't too bad, right! There was some good booze, food, and singing. I hope that my mom had a good time and enjoyed the angel food cake that her friend's daughter made for her. I again was asked why I didn't buy my mom a more presentable cake but I told her friends the cake she got was what she wanted. I was more than happy to buy my mom a delicious cake from Dierberg's European Bakery, since she does not like sweet cakes.

Ellie's coughs only got worse and on Wednesday she began sneezing. Thursday when I went and got her she was crying and I could tell from her face that she was tired and exhausted. They said that she didn't sleep well and that they finally gave up and let her sleep in the swing since she kept waking up each time she coughed. Thursday night was no easy feat as she began to have massive spit ups each time she coughed. We weren't sure if Friday she could go to daycare.

Friday morning we got up and again she had a major spit up and I decided she was staying home. She didn't have a fever but with this being her first illness I just wanted to be home with her. We decided to call the doctor and the nurse said for her to come in since her cough wasn't any better.

The doctor stated that she most likely had RSV and that luckily she wasn't too bad (i.e. no fever, no fluids in the lungs, etc) and mostly what she heard was congestion. We need to continue to watch for any fevers because that could be a sign of something else. Ellie sleeps a lot and eats less which worries me but I really hope that she gets over this FAST!

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