Monday, May 24, 2010

Quick Annoucment

Mark Your Calendars: December 4, 2010

Eric and I are expecting our first "Baby Childrey" on 12/4/10! I am currently 12 weeks along and have already experienced a lot of disgusting things that comes along with pregnancy. However, I am very eager to start feeling the baby move and hoping I am prepared that my body will be forever changed by this wonderful experience.

Eric and I found out on the actual day of my birthday (3/31). I took the test that morning and Eric found it suspicious that was in the bathroom for so long (I was contemplating whether to tell him that day or wait).

I told Eric and he was great, gave me a hug and was so happy. As he hugged me I cried because I was happy (and a tinsy bit scared).

I have a lot of blogging to do since I have been sick for the past few weeks, I am crossing my fingers that my nauseousness will go away very soon!

Boy or Girl? We want healthy. We should start a gender betting pool! Name your bet!


the taos said...

let me see your belly first, then i'll place a bet :) hope you're feeling better soon nancy! one trimester down, two to go.

Beth said...

again congratulations, nancy! i can't believe you had a blog all this time and i never knew. i love blogging almost as much as i love facebook. looking forward to reading your updates!