Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tiny Little Peanut

The first thing I did after I found out I was pregnant (besides call and tell my mom) was to make an appointment to see a new OB/GYN. I was unhappy with my previous one since she was busy and said good-bye halfway down the hall. So I decided to use one that my friend Sarah currently uses.

I hear about other girlfriends rave about having men OB/GYNs but I guess I felt more comfortable with a woman. However, the new doctor, Dr. A made me feel very comfortable. When I scheduled my first appointment I had my ultrasound before seeing the doctor. When I saw the doctor he said that the baby was a little smaller than anticipated so he pushed back the due date from November 26th to December 4th.

Here are some pictures of our tiny little peanut at six 1/2 weeks that we have nicknamed "Pedro."

I am currently 14 weeks and here is a belly picture. I bought my first maternity skirt (who knew that Heidi Klum had a cute maternity line?) and a belly band. I hope to get lots of use out of my belly band!


Beth said...

hooray! very cute belly pic too. i have one from each week 5-37, and i keep meaning to put them in some sort of collage or slideshow. keep them coming :-)

Josh Renaud said...

Vote for Pedro!