10 Great Things About Pregnancy (according to Nancy)
10. I can ask others to get up and get me things without feeling guilty (A student needed something and I printed it out then asked the student to go to the other room and get it for me, he did not complain or make a sour face, he jumped up and did it!)
9. I don't have to bend down to get my own things when I drop it. (Eric is great, if I drop something and start bending he tells me to stop and that he'll get it).
8. I can eat what I want (sort of). (My mother no longer makes comments like "that's going to make you fat.")
7. I don't get yelled at for falling asleep on my desk. (My boss walked in with my face plastered on the desk..sleeping! She just giggled and said "tired?")
6. I can complain and everyone gives me sympathy. (My co-workers may ask about how I'm feeling and I can be honest and they can relate. I never get a "get over it" type of response).
5. I get to sit down. Everyone offers me their seat. Even an old man on the Metrolink that can barely keep this balance. (I was afraid he was going to fall over so I insisted him to sit!)
4. Burping and farting is normal. Thanks to Sex and the City, Miranda has already explained this part to many women that this is really uncontrollable at some times!!!
3. I get to buy new clothes ('nuff said). :0)
2. I also get to buy new shoes :0)
1. My favorite part of pregnancy is feeling the baby move. Sometimes Eric lays next to me and he can feel her kicks, it's like she's saying "hey pay attention to me" or "good morning!"
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