Friday, August 21, 2009

Road Trip: STL-PA

It has been a while since I've been on a road trip. However, this was one of the biggest road trips I've ever been on. Since my friend Nicole was pregnant and could not fly we had to make a road trip. We spent 9 days going from home to another home to a hotel to a tiny apartment. Our first leg of the trip was from St. Louis to Harrisburg, PA. It was a 14 hour drive and the longest part. I'm not quite sure how I survived this but having a large SUV definitely helped!

We left at 7 AM and arrived at our place at 9 PM. The person we knew indirectly was my cousins' friend. His friend's sister's husband had a birthday celebration and we had pizza, soda, noodle soup, spring rolls, and ice cream cake. A weird combination right? However, we took in what we could get. :)

A funny side story: one of the kids pointed at my brother Kevin and told him he was stupid. Apparently, he learned at school that kids with glasses are stupid. We ended up telling the kid that we all wore contacts and wore glasses too so we must be stupid.

The next morning we left to go to Hershey, PA! It's only a 30 minute drive from Harrisburg. Here are some pictures of Chocolate World:

Eric and I on the tour

The singing cows. They had a lovely voice.

How much chocolate was produced that day!

Lots of chocolate to buy!

After Hershey we drove two hours to Philadelphia...but that's a post for another day!

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