Sunday, October 18, 2009

Meeting Family

Surprise, surprise! I met some of Eric's mother's side of the family yesterday. For most of them it was only the second time I have met them!

Eric received a phone call a month ago from his aunt. Eric's Uncle Rich from New Mexico is coming to St. Louis and invited us over to dinner.

So we went and learned more about his mother's side of the family. I learned a lot and tried to figure out which part of Eric's personality is from his mother's side and the Childrey's side. Eric's chill and laid-back attitude is definitely from his mother's side. However, his indecisiveness must come from the Childrey's side since when we got to dinner everything was on a schedule and organized.

I hope that we continue to see his mother's side of the family. They all seem very nice and I had fun trying to beat Eric's Wii score!

(Left to Right): Uncle Rich, Me, Cody, Aunt Pam, Eric, Aunt Patti, Ron

(Left to Right) Aunt Patti, Cody, Uncle Rick, Aunt Debbie, Eric, and Me

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