Sunday, May 24, 2009


Eric and I have been running all around town like crazy to get some of the last minute materials that we need for our wedding. Everytime we cross something off our to-do list, we find something else to add on there!

Friday night I met up with Eric in Brentwood. After we finished eating we headed to Bed, Bath and Beyond, Crate and Barrel, Wal-Mart, and the mall. We didn't get home until 10.

Saturday, after breakfast we headed to the bank, went to a boutique to get a pair of Spanx (these apparently are what celebrities wear to look slim). We then went home to have lunch. After lunch we headed back to Wal-Mart, Target, the mall, two Chinese grocery stores, Eric's grandma's house, my parent's restaurant, Walgreens, Michael's, another Walgreens, Party City, my parent's house, and then finally back to our apartment. We got back around 9.

Still left to do: go back to the mall (maybe, depends if we need to get a present), go to a Chinese store, go to my parent's, grocery shopping (I've been needing to go for a few days now), and to Michael's. We still have so many little things to get! This is just for the wedding, Eric and I still have a lot of personal things we need to get taken care of!

In one week though, it'll be over. It's a happy and sad feeling at the same time (at least for me it is, Eric says he'll be so glad once the planning is completely finished!).

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